Confira o que os críticos estão achando de O Despertar da Força

Ontem tivemos a première do filme em Los Angeles e alguns comentários no twitter de quem já assistiu estão pululando por aí! Confira e fique tranquilo que não tem nenhum spoiler!

Rebecca Keegan, do Los Angeles Times:

História, personagens, design, humor. Fãs de Star Wars, este é o filmne que você estava procurando.

Matthew Bellon, editor executivo do Hollywood Reporter comenta sobre sua saída da première:

Saindo da première agora. MUITOS sorrisos nos rostos.

Adam B. do Buzz Feed:

Fique tranquilo: O Despertar da Força é 100% Star Wars e algo a mais. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac: bem vindos.

O Cineasta Brett Morgen:

O Despertar da Força surpreende em cada nível.

Steven Zeitchik do L.A. Times Arts and Entertainment elogiou J.J. Abrams:

Do humor ao figurino, lutas e efeitos visuais e todo o sentimento, J.J. Abrams From comedy to costumes, fights to fx to overall feel, J.J. Abrams criou cuidadosamente um filme a moda antiga.

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  1. Recently laid off Lucasfilm employee here.Just know that George doesn’t have to care about this stuff any more, but my hunch is that the cnmapoy’ wants to make it seem like he’s involved because, believe it or not, more people want that (than do not want that.) This is Disney’s baby now. Internally at Lucasfilm, this is very, very clear.The real story here is that JJ was working exclusively on Star Trek right up to the release date. They’re trying to get Star Wars VII out in 2015. I’m not sure how they’re going to do that, especially since the cnmapoy as a whole is only a bit over half the size it was prior to April, as mentioned the script isn’t done, and ILM will have to produce their normal amount of work plus Star Wars, with less staff. If the release date doesn’t slip, something else will. High potential for it to be a fiasco.It’ll be interesting (for those still employed there) to see who wins the editorial battles, JJ or Disney. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an Alan Smithee production by the time it comes out, but maybe JJ will surprise us.

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